Our Scope of practice involves orthotic and prosthetic devices in the areas of:
– Adults
– Pediatrics
– Geriatrics
– Rehabilitation
– Pediatrics
– Geriatrics
– Rehabilitation
Some of the types of orthotic devices are but are not limited to:
Custom made from casting or digitization
Pre manufactured / pre sized off the shelf foot orthoses
Custom made orthopedic shoes
Devices for clawed toes / hammer toes / bunions / toe spacers
Ankle – foot
Ankle splints for sprains
Walking boots for fractures / ulcers/ post operative
Night splints for plantar fasciitis
Custom made from cast Ankle foot orthoses (AFO’s)
Pre sized AFO’s
Custom made from cast knee orthoses for ligament damage / osteoarthritis
Pre sized knee orthoses for ligament damage / osteoarthritis
Post operative knee orthoses to control range of motion during rehabilitation
Knee orthoses for patellar tracking problems / Osgood schlatter
Custom made from cast knee orthoses for ligament damage / osteoarthritis
Pre sized knee orthoses for ligament damage / osteoarthritis
Post operative knee orthoses to control range of motion during rehabilitation
Knee orthoses for patellar tracking problems / Osgood schlatter
Knee Ankle Foot Orthoses (KAFO’S)
KAFO’s for isolated quadriceps weakness / failed knee fusions / complete ligamentous instability / complete paralysis of limb
Elbow Hand and wrist
Pre sized splints for carpal tunnel syndrome / de Quervan’s tenosynovitis / osteoarthritis / rheumatoid arthritis
Custom made wrist splints for non operative instabilities of the hand and wrist / fractures
Elbow orthoses for post operative management / cubital tunnel syndrome / elbow instability / osteoarthritis
Shoulder splints for instability / post operative management / fractures
Pre sized splints for carpal tunnel syndrome / de Quervan’s tenosynovitis / osteoarthritis / rheumatoid arthritis
Custom made wrist splints for non operative instabilities of the hand and wrist / fractures
Elbow orthoses for post operative management / cubital tunnel syndrome / elbow instability / osteoarthritis
Shoulder splints for instability / post operative management / fractures
Custom made from cast spinal orthoses for pre and post operative fracture management / osteoarthritis /
Pre sized spinal orthoses for instabilities / arthritis pain/ hernias / post operative management
Custom made from cast spinal orthoses for pre and post operative fracture management / osteoarthritis /
Pre sized spinal orthoses for instabilities / arthritis pain/ hernias / post operative management
Shields for protection of nasal fractures
A full range of prosthetic devices for:
Myoelectric / standard mechanical
Myoelectric / standard mechanical
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